

[showplus] Critical error: Image folder root/images/selected specified in the administration back-end does not exist or is inaccessible.

Best Parenting tips - I

Two things require maximum care. First is rearing a child and second is nurturing a plant. Rearing a child is the most difficult task because it requires the integration of all your faculties – inherited and acquired –both. Parenting starts consciously and unconsciously as soon as the child starts taking shape in the womb. Modern science has taught the generation about the precaution a mother has to take regarding her diet and the preventive doses of medicines oral and injections.

Parenting starts from the conception and has to be continued till the gaining of majority. In India parenting in many cases goes beyond majority also. Various stages require different kind of parenting. From inception to infancy and from childhood to adolescence a child needs different types of parenting as per the need of stages of growth.

During infancy a child needs to be fed at a regular intervals; needs cleaning of the body and his problems have to be heard and understood without his telling. Child knows only the language of crying or groaning. Parents have to hear the unsaid problems.

As an infant care for 24/7 is constantly required. As the infant grows into a child the problems of parents do not decrease. As the child keeps growing his/her activities need greater care. During infancy the body of the child needs full attention because the child is totally dependent on the parents and largely the mother. As long as the child is dependent on breast feeding mother does not have to bother about the choice of food and drinks but after six months special care has to be taken about the thirst. Summer season requires the child to consume more water. Next step is to choose the liquid food for the child.

A child may take more than a year to shift to the normal food that the family consumes. Children take about six months to learn to crawl on the knees and then about a year to learn to stand on feed and learn staggering and then walking. All these stages require fullest of attention because the child is fully dependent on the parent till it learns to walk and talk. Both these faculties are achieved at around the age of one year.

Teething starts about the same age when a child learn to walk and talk. The process of all these activities is very gradual and slow hence the care of parent has to be almost total till this time. Mother can reduce the attention as the child learns to ask for water and food. As the child grows mother can relax about sensing the needs as the child learns to express and explain. At this stage of learning to walk and talk mother can depend on the expresses demands of the child but requirements of the child start increasing.

Best Parenting tips - II

As the child grows parent which starts from total nursing gradually shifts to supervisory care. Care to guide – to teach and help in handling difficulties of the child. The time a child, learns to walk and talk, the mother starts feeling that dependence on the mother has started decreasing but care about the controlling movements has to be increased very fast.

Care has to be taken to ensure that the child remains protected from sharp tools and dangerous gadgets such as electrical points and fire etc. A constant watch is required to ensure that the child does not go out of the house. Left unattended, the child can be exposed to many risks of accidents not only within but more so outside the house.

As soon as the child enters the ladder of teenage hood, the mother is driven to different concerns. By this stage, the child learns to take sufficient care about herself/himself. But his growing confidence and assumed overconfidence exposes him/her to various dangers from disasters of nature and from the dangers created by nature.

Formation of right habits is very important at this stage. Small things form habits and habits form character. Parenting is equally required to protect the child from the evil effects of social environment. In India, our mythology is full of various examples how a prince Bharat was reared to be so brave that he could play with lion cubs. Our country has been named after this brave child who became great king – a Chakravarthi king.

Mothers have lot to learn how an over active child like Krishna can be handled. The moral strength of the parents is unconsciously transferred to the children. Children more than others watch the integrated approach and truthfulness of parents. The bravery and sacrifice of Sita only could transfer her strengths and could shape a rare bravery Lav and Kush born and bought up in jungle with the pious environment of Rishi Balmiki Ashram and the fully committed affections of mother Sita could be strong and brave enough to control the most powerful God Hanuman.

Best parenting needs lot of things which parents have to acquire and gift in inheritance.

Parenting: The Toughest Job

Parenting is a very difficult role and no parent is satisfied with the upbringing they are giving to their child. The parent is always in a dilemma that what is right and what is wrong, it is very difficult to take proper decisions, some rules are there which should be followed these will surely help in improving the way in which you are upbringing you child.

Then role and definition of a perfect parent is not known and can’t be defined because a parent has to be strict, rued, caring, understanding and above all very patient when he is dealing with a kid. It is very difficult to understand the feeling of a child. But there is always a chance of improvement in there parenting techniques and method and the best way is to discuss the situations with other parents and find out what is there reaction and compare your reaction with them, this will help you improve.

The most important requirement to be a parent is too be very patient because a child is very innocent and naughty too he will irate you all the time but you need to maintain a control over your temper as beating or scolding a child will disappoint and spoil him.

There are many resources which provide you with some of the steps by which you can inculcate good and healthy eating habits in your child. They do advise you on various other topics like child food, sleeping habits, step by step development etc. Parents share their own experiences on various situation which resembles with your situation too so you get an idea how to manage them the other way.

The toughest job in this world is too be a parent and to develop a proper well mannered child, anyone can do the upbringing of a child but what is important is that proper knowledge, education to be inculcated in the child at the right time.

Internet is a very good source of information for those parents who are not living with the elder people. Resolution to many problems is just a click away, it is very convenient as it gives you advice on each and every topic and you can also be a advice giver to many others. There are many sites where you can join communities also and can share your experiences and live chat with other moms.

Parenting is a very tough job and there is no thumb rule for this. Every parent feels that he or she is not at all a good parent but with the help of these expert and experienced comments the guilt actually decreases. When one becomes a parent many feelings and methods are automatically learned but still scope of improvement is always there so internet is the easiest and fastest way, one click for all problems. In order to be a good parent it is very important to have faith in your own abilities. Applying these methods in your daily life will surely make your baby a more happy and healthy baby and your family a more happier one.

Top Parenting Tips to become Good Parents

A decision of giving a birth to a child is really a big decision. A couple needs to be emotionally, physically & financially prepared for a huge responsibility. Many couple believes that they can heave a sigh of relief once a baby enters in this world. However, that is not true since a real challenge begins after a baby is being born. The real challenge lies in being good parents & ensuring good parenting. Parenting is an art and without learning this art, one can’t be a good parent. People adopt parenting tips from older generation & they try to utilize those tips on new generation but due to a generation gap, efforts of using older generation parenting tips appears to be futile. Are you really interested in knowing top parenting tips which can double the joy of family by reducing conflicts? Here read on:

First of all, in order to love & care your kids, you need to be loving & caring towards yourself. It is pointless to mention that a person with a low self-esteem can’t prove to be a good parent. One needs to be physically fit to have a good self-esteem & one need to be genuinely happy so that frustration doesn't repulse children.

In the wake of increasing divorces, it is becoming difficult for parents to keep their children happy. A child is sensitive enough & it is not easy thing for him to cope up with the separation of his parents. There is no doubt that a decision of divorce is enough to affect your children emotional well-being so if you want to be good parent then first of all give importance to your marriage because that’s the major foundation on which your children future stands.

Showing a sincere appreciation can truly work wonder in your relationship with children. Hugging your children in a day & telling them how wonderful it has been raising them, really goes a long way.

It is understandable that being parent you loves your children so much but remember that tomorrow they will have to step out from their comfort zone & will have to stand on their own feet. Don’t spoil your children by doing their daily chores. Instead teach them how to do that so that they can be self-reliant & can be responsible.

There is no doubt that children will do mistakes and might have some habits which you can’t tolerate but don’t make fuss of those habits. Instead of pointing towards their flaws, learn to appreciate their good qualities so that they can be encouraged further to enhance their good qualities.

Give respect & get respect is a golden rule of any relationship. Apply the same golden rule in a relationship shared between you & your child. Give them respect & you will be respected in return. If you are the one who don’t mind scolding your children often & even hitting them then the real warmth will be lost between you.

There is no substitute of taking out time to play with your kids. Playing a game, laughing with your children & doing some funny act together really nurture a relationship between parents & children.

Discipline – ways and means and to what extent

Children are the most precious gifts of God. Being a parent and bringing up one’s child is not easy. Each child has his own peculiar behavior and no two children can ever be alike so it is important to deal with children keeping their individuality in mind. When we get a child as a blessing from God it is important to safeguard and bring up the child with lot of love and care but it is also important not to let too much of love spoil the child.

Discipline is something that begins as soon as the child comes into the world parents take the role of first teachers who sometimes become hard task masters and sometimes soft to teach the child etiquette and mannerism of the society. In this process of disciplining a child the biggest blow comes when children misbehave. The situation is alarming when child repeats his misbehaving attitude and requires monitoring but the question is how?

Regular reprimanding may mold him into a stubborn fellow and will rather add fuel to the fire; laxity may result in further spoiling of the child. The policies of “Spare the rod and spoil the child” and too much of “love” may both have no effect or rather negative effect on the behavior of the child. Here are certain tips that may be taken to improve the behavior of the child:

1. Understanding: When the first time child misbehaves don’t ignore. Try to understand the reason of misbehavior. Analyze the situation and mood of the child.

2. Communication: Talking is the most important thing parents should do with the child. When the child misbehaves talk to him/her rather than letting your ego come in between you and your child. Ask the reason for misbehaving.

3. Patience: Have patience. Sit down with the child patiently and talk. Try to make them realize that they have done something wrong and should not repeat the same behavior in future.

4. Avoid Punishment: Avoid punishment in the first instance of misbehaving but if the misbehavior continues don’t hesitate to punish. Punishments should not always be severe like slapping or thrashing the child as they will remain above the skin; there are certain punishments that affect the soul like not talking with the child or taking away his favorite toys, not allowing him to watch his favorite T.V. shows, etc.

5. Don’t let your prior experiences come in between. Each child has his own way of behaving don’t ever apply the experience of your neighbors on your child. Deal with the child carefully.

6. Don’t repeat: don’t repeat the earlier instances of misbehavior. It will create a negative impression.

7. Never compare: don’t ever compare your child with other children. It is a habit of parents that they praise other children and at the same time compare their child with them this inculcates a negativity in the child.

8. Recite: recite stories to your child and try to incorporate the behavior of the child and then tell him/her how such misbehavior is bad and has bitter consequences.

Parents have the biggest responsibility to shape the personality of the child. A child will become what they make him; the future of the child is entirely in the hands of parents. Each creation of God is special and parenting is a special and daring task too so it should be taken seriously.

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[showplus] Critical error: Image folder root/images/selected specified in the administration back-end does not exist or is inaccessible.

Best Parenting tips - I

Two things require maximum care. First is rearing a child and second is nurturing a plant. Rearing a child is the most difficult task because it requires the integration of all your faculties – inherited and acquired –both. Parenting starts consciously and unconsciously as soon as the child starts taking shape in the womb. Modern science has taught the generation about the precaution a mother has to take regarding her diet and the preventive doses of medicines oral and injections.

Parenting starts from the conception and has to be continued till the gaining of majority. In India parenting in many cases goes beyond majority also. Various stages require different kind of parenting. From inception to infancy and from childhood to adolescence a child needs different types of parenting as per the need of stages of growth.

During infancy a child needs to be fed at a regular intervals; needs cleaning of the body and his problems have to be heard and understood without his telling. Child knows only the language of crying or groaning. Parents have to hear the unsaid problems.

As an infant care for 24/7 is constantly required. As the infant grows into a child the problems of parents do not decrease. As the child keeps growing his/her activities need greater care. During infancy the body of the child needs full attention because the child is totally dependent on the parents and largely the mother. As long as the child is dependent on breast feeding mother does not have to bother about the choice of food and drinks but after six months special care has to be taken about the thirst. Summer season requires the child to consume more water. Next step is to choose the liquid food for the child.

A child may take more than a year to shift to the normal food that the family consumes. Children take about six months to learn to crawl on the knees and then about a year to learn to stand on feed and learn staggering and then walking. All these stages require fullest of attention because the child is fully dependent on the parent till it learns to walk and talk. Both these faculties are achieved at around the age of one year.

Teething starts about the same age when a child learn to walk and talk. The process of all these activities is very gradual and slow hence the care of parent has to be almost total till this time. Mother can reduce the attention as the child learns to ask for water and food. As the child grows mother can relax about sensing the needs as the child learns to express and explain. At this stage of learning to walk and talk mother can depend on the expresses demands of the child but requirements of the child start increasing.

Best Parenting tips - II

As the child grows parent which starts from total nursing gradually shifts to supervisory care. Care to guide – to teach and help in handling difficulties of the child. The time a child, learns to walk and talk, the mother starts feeling that dependence on the mother has started decreasing but care about the controlling movements has to be increased very fast.

Care has to be taken to ensure that the child remains protected from sharp tools and dangerous gadgets such as electrical points and fire etc. A constant watch is required to ensure that the child does not go out of the house. Left unattended, the child can be exposed to many risks of accidents not only within but more so outside the house.

As soon as the child enters the ladder of teenage hood, the mother is driven to different concerns. By this stage, the child learns to take sufficient care about herself/himself. But his growing confidence and assumed overconfidence exposes him/her to various dangers from disasters of nature and from the dangers created by nature.

Formation of right habits is very important at this stage. Small things form habits and habits form character. Parenting is equally required to protect the child from the evil effects of social environment. In India, our mythology is full of various examples how a prince Bharat was reared to be so brave that he could play with lion cubs. Our country has been named after this brave child who became great king – a Chakravarthi king.

Mothers have lot to learn how an over active child like Krishna can be handled. The moral strength of the parents is unconsciously transferred to the children. Children more than others watch the integrated approach and truthfulness of parents. The bravery and sacrifice of Sita only could transfer her strengths and could shape a rare bravery Lav and Kush born and bought up in jungle with the pious environment of Rishi Balmiki Ashram and the fully committed affections of mother Sita could be strong and brave enough to control the most powerful God Hanuman.

Best parenting needs lot of things which parents have to acquire and gift in inheritance.

Parenting: The Toughest Job

Parenting is a very difficult role and no parent is satisfied with the upbringing they are giving to their child. The parent is always in a dilemma that what is right and what is wrong, it is very difficult to take proper decisions, some rules are there which should be followed these will surely help in improving the way in which you are upbringing you child.

Then role and definition of a perfect parent is not known and can’t be defined because a parent has to be strict, rued, caring, understanding and above all very patient when he is dealing with a kid. It is very difficult to understand the feeling of a child. But there is always a chance of improvement in there parenting techniques and method and the best way is to discuss the situations with other parents and find out what is there reaction and compare your reaction with them, this will help you improve.

The most important requirement to be a parent is too be very patient because a child is very innocent and naughty too he will irate you all the time but you need to maintain a control over your temper as beating or scolding a child will disappoint and spoil him.

There are many resources which provide you with some of the steps by which you can inculcate good and healthy eating habits in your child. They do advise you on various other topics like child food, sleeping habits, step by step development etc. Parents share their own experiences on various situation which resembles with your situation too so you get an idea how to manage them the other way.

The toughest job in this world is too be a parent and to develop a proper well mannered child, anyone can do the upbringing of a child but what is important is that proper knowledge, education to be inculcated in the child at the right time.

Internet is a very good source of information for those parents who are not living with the elder people. Resolution to many problems is just a click away, it is very convenient as it gives you advice on each and every topic and you can also be a advice giver to many others. There are many sites where you can join communities also and can share your experiences and live chat with other moms.

Parenting is a very tough job and there is no thumb rule for this. Every parent feels that he or she is not at all a good parent but with the help of these expert and experienced comments the guilt actually decreases. When one becomes a parent many feelings and methods are automatically learned but still scope of improvement is always there so internet is the easiest and fastest way, one click for all problems. In order to be a good parent it is very important to have faith in your own abilities. Applying these methods in your daily life will surely make your baby a more happy and healthy baby and your family a more happier one.

Top Parenting Tips to become Good Parents

A decision of giving a birth to a child is really a big decision. A couple needs to be emotionally, physically & financially prepared for a huge responsibility. Many couple believes that they can heave a sigh of relief once a baby enters in this world. However, that is not true since a real challenge begins after a baby is being born. The real challenge lies in being good parents & ensuring good parenting. Parenting is an art and without learning this art, one can’t be a good parent. People adopt parenting tips from older generation & they try to utilize those tips on new generation but due to a generation gap, efforts of using older generation parenting tips appears to be futile. Are you really interested in knowing top parenting tips which can double the joy of family by reducing conflicts? Here read on:

First of all, in order to love & care your kids, you need to be loving & caring towards yourself. It is pointless to mention that a person with a low self-esteem can’t prove to be a good parent. One needs to be physically fit to have a good self-esteem & one need to be genuinely happy so that frustration doesn't repulse children.

In the wake of increasing divorces, it is becoming difficult for parents to keep their children happy. A child is sensitive enough & it is not easy thing for him to cope up with the separation of his parents. There is no doubt that a decision of divorce is enough to affect your children emotional well-being so if you want to be good parent then first of all give importance to your marriage because that’s the major foundation on which your children future stands.

Showing a sincere appreciation can truly work wonder in your relationship with children. Hugging your children in a day & telling them how wonderful it has been raising them, really goes a long way.

It is understandable that being parent you loves your children so much but remember that tomorrow they will have to step out from their comfort zone & will have to stand on their own feet. Don’t spoil your children by doing their daily chores. Instead teach them how to do that so that they can be self-reliant & can be responsible.

There is no doubt that children will do mistakes and might have some habits which you can’t tolerate but don’t make fuss of those habits. Instead of pointing towards their flaws, learn to appreciate their good qualities so that they can be encouraged further to enhance their good qualities.

Give respect & get respect is a golden rule of any relationship. Apply the same golden rule in a relationship shared between you & your child. Give them respect & you will be respected in return. If you are the one who don’t mind scolding your children often & even hitting them then the real warmth will be lost between you.

There is no substitute of taking out time to play with your kids. Playing a game, laughing with your children & doing some funny act together really nurture a relationship between parents & children.

Discipline – ways and means and to what extent

Children are the most precious gifts of God. Being a parent and bringing up one’s child is not easy. Each child has his own peculiar behavior and no two children can ever be alike so it is important to deal with children keeping their individuality in mind. When we get a child as a blessing from God it is important to safeguard and bring up the child with lot of love and care but it is also important not to let too much of love spoil the child.

Discipline is something that begins as soon as the child comes into the world parents take the role of first teachers who sometimes become hard task masters and sometimes soft to teach the child etiquette and mannerism of the society. In this process of disciplining a child the biggest blow comes when children misbehave. The situation is alarming when child repeats his misbehaving attitude and requires monitoring but the question is how?

Regular reprimanding may mold him into a stubborn fellow and will rather add fuel to the fire; laxity may result in further spoiling of the child. The policies of “Spare the rod and spoil the child” and too much of “love” may both have no effect or rather negative effect on the behavior of the child. Here are certain tips that may be taken to improve the behavior of the child:

1. Understanding: When the first time child misbehaves don’t ignore. Try to understand the reason of misbehavior. Analyze the situation and mood of the child.

2. Communication: Talking is the most important thing parents should do with the child. When the child misbehaves talk to him/her rather than letting your ego come in between you and your child. Ask the reason for misbehaving.

3. Patience: Have patience. Sit down with the child patiently and talk. Try to make them realize that they have done something wrong and should not repeat the same behavior in future.

4. Avoid Punishment: Avoid punishment in the first instance of misbehaving but if the misbehavior continues don’t hesitate to punish. Punishments should not always be severe like slapping or thrashing the child as they will remain above the skin; there are certain punishments that affect the soul like not talking with the child or taking away his favorite toys, not allowing him to watch his favorite T.V. shows, etc.

5. Don’t let your prior experiences come in between. Each child has his own way of behaving don’t ever apply the experience of your neighbors on your child. Deal with the child carefully.

6. Don’t repeat: don’t repeat the earlier instances of misbehavior. It will create a negative impression.

7. Never compare: don’t ever compare your child with other children. It is a habit of parents that they praise other children and at the same time compare their child with them this inculcates a negativity in the child.

8. Recite: recite stories to your child and try to incorporate the behavior of the child and then tell him/her how such misbehavior is bad and has bitter consequences.

Parents have the biggest responsibility to shape the personality of the child. A child will become what they make him; the future of the child is entirely in the hands of parents. Each creation of God is special and parenting is a special and daring task too so it should be taken seriously.

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We are planning to go on picnic on this Saturday.

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